The Geelong Rangers Handbook 2022 provides players and parents with all the information they need about the Club and the 2022 season.

2022 handbook to be published ahead of the new season…

TRIAL & SELECTION POLICY - revised Nov 2021


Geelong Rangers Soccer Club supports the FV Codes of Conduct and all parents, players, coaches, spectators and officials must agree to be bound by these. The Codes can be viewed at Football Victoria

PLAYERS CODE OF CONDUCT (updated oct 2021)

All players must comply with the Geelong Rangers Players Code of Conduct. Any breach of this code may be subject to immediate disciplinary action by authorised Football Victoria Inc. (FV) personnel and / or pursuant to FV constitution, regulations, policies and by-laws including the Grievance, Disciplinary and Tribunal (GDT) By-Law. Sanctions include suspension or exclusion from the club.

  1. I will not engage in the use of crude, foul or abusive language that may be determined offensive or engage in any conduct detrimental to the image of the game when on or off the field
  2. I will refrain from arguing with the coach / team leader / referee and/or assistant referees regarding decisions they make
  3. I will treat participants, officials and spectators with respect
  4. I will play by the laws of the game
  5. I will cooperate with my coach, team mates, referees and officials
  6. I will display good sportsmanship at all times
  7. I will treat all players as I would like to be treated. I will not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player
  8. I will maintain focus and work hard for myself and the team


Parents of junior players under the age of 18 years must sign a medical consent form for their child, authorising the Club to provide medical assistance treatment if required in the event of injury, accident or illness. The medical consent form is completed and accepted during the online registration process. A copy is provided below for reference.

Medical Policy / Details

  • Geelong Rangers Soccer Club, Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials are not expected or trained to deal with medical situations.
  • It is the parents’ responsibility to provide any relevant medical, dietary or care issue information about their child to the coach and/or team manager.
  •  If children require specialty care during training, parents must stay to supervise their child.


  • If your child is asthmatic you must advise the coach and team manager.
  • The child must carry the relevant puffer and know their action plan.
  • It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure the supervising adult is aware the child is asthmatic if the team manager or coach is not available.


  • If your child has life threatening allergies you must advise the coach and team manager.
  • They must carry an Epipen and know how to self-administer otherwise the parent or guardian must remain at training if there is a possibility of contact with the allergen.
  • It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure the supervising adult is aware the child is allergic if the team manager or coach is not available.


  • Parents/players must inform the coach of training requirements if a child has been injured or requires a light session.

Medical Consent Approval

Where I am unable to be contacted or it is otherwise impracticable for me to be contacted, I authorize the adult in charge (i.e. coach, team manager, club official) to:

  • Consent to my child receiving dental, medical or surgical assistance as recommended by a medical practitioner in the event of any illness or accident.
  • Administer or consent to such first aid as the adult in charge may consider to be reasonably necessary in the event of any illness or accident.
  • I accept all risks involved in the administration of medical, dental, surgical or first aid treatment considered necessary and the responsibility for payment of all expenses incurred in relation to such treatment and any emergency transportation required.


Parents of children under 9 MUST remain for the duration of session/game or arrange for an alternative care giver (not the coach) to provide supervision. This may be also requested for older children at the discretion of the coach and team manager.


Parents are required to accept and comply with the Geelong Rangers Soccer Club Parental Compliance Code at all times. Acceptance of the code is accepted during the online registration process. A copy is provided below for reference.


  • Remember that children play the sport for their enjoyment, and not yours
  • Encourage children to participate, but do not force them
  • Focus on the child’s effort and performance rather than the result of the activity (that is, winning or losing)


  1. Parents do not enter the playing pitch at training or during matches, including the half time break.
  2. Parents do not interfere with the coach or coach’s instructions during matches or training sessions.
  3. Parents do not coach any child from side lines during the match.
  4. Parents do not talk disparagingly about coaches, officials, especially in front of children.
  5. Any fines incurred by parents from the FFV must be paid by the parent and will not under any circumstance be paid by the Club.
  6. Any fines incurred from the FFV for yellow or red cards are to be paid by the parents.
  7. Fee for tribunal appeals for a red card offence is to be paid by the parents.
  8. I agree to abide by the Geelong Rangers Soccer Club terms and conditions.
  9. I understand that these may be updated from time to time and will be available to view on the Club website.


Photographs are regularly taken by members during games and training sessions and then posted publicly on our social media sites, website and in the media. It is not practical to identify all players and spectators and gain consent for publication of photographs. Therefore, we require Parents to sign a photo/media consent form for their child, authorising the Club to use images that may include their child for promotional or media purposes. The consent is completed and accepted during the online registration process. A copy is provided below for reference.

I hereby permit and authorise FFV and Geelong Rangers Soccer Club to take photographs and/or video footage of my child.  This may be used in the creation and production of promotional material for display on the FFV and/or Geelong Rangers website and within the media.  I acknowledge that the copyright of these photographs and Video material and their reproduction in any form belong to and is owned by FFV and/or Geelong Rangers Soccer Club.


This policy applies to anyone associated with Geelong Rangers Soccer Club and includes, but is not limited to, players, coaches, officials, staff, members and volunteers. This policy covers all forms of electronic communications and social media. Social Media and electronic communication platforms can be used provided communications are courteous, respectful and factual.
Be mindful of the following when using Social Media in relation to Geelong Rangers Soccer Club:

  • Ensure communications are not abusive, offensive, inappropriate or illegal
  • Ensure communications are not intended to intimidate, humiliate or bully someone
  • Ensure you do not disclose another individuals personal information
  • Ensure you do not disclose confidential or competitive information

Any breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action by Geelong Rangers Soccer Club


​The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to promote child safety within all Club environments. Any person who is associated with Geelong Rangers must abide by this code of conduct

  • Any form of abusive, derogatory, discriminatory, offensive or intimidating behaviour or language by adults towards minors, or minors towards other minors, is not acceptable
  • Any action that may be hurtful or risk being interpreted by a reasonable observer as grooming behaviour is unacceptable
  • Comments or actions that are negatively and unreasonably critical of a person’s culture, ethnicity, language, gender identity, disability, sexuality or age, are unacceptable.
  • Committee members, volunteers, employees, coaches, managers, players and parents/guardians of players at the Club are bound by, and required to abide to, this Code.

Geelong Rangers Child Safety Policy
Any breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action by Geelong Rangers Soccer Club. If you have any concerns about a child’s safety at the club, please speak to the Club Child Safety Officers – Louise McCloskey or Martin Brandwyk.